Vintage Millinery Resources Online
A word of warning - I can't be held responsible for what happens after you click on the link at the bottom of this post. If you fall down...
Vintage Singer Sewing Machine
I landed back in England this week with a list as long as my arm of things that need to be sorted out - accommodation, furniture,...
Dyeing a wool felt hat
Wool is amazing! So are microwave ovens. Read on... I've recently been experimenting with dyeing wool felt to get a colour that a client...
1920s Ribbon Art - An online resource
With every passing year the internet becomes an even bigger source of all things vintage. As more and more resources are digitised and...
Life as a Milliner 1947-1956
A great article from a fantastic online archive. The Trove resource is hosted by the National Library of Australia and as such has lots...
Download Free Fashion Books from the Met Museum
Well this should brighten your day! The Met Museum is fast becoming my first go-to website when looking up anything hatty or costume...
Squashed Top Hat
I've come across some hats this week that are a little beyond repair! However they're going to make excellent study pieces, however...
Vintage Toppers Get a Revamp
I had the lovely job this week of doing some remedial restoration work on a heap of vintage top hats. They weren't in great shape, and...
Lost and Found – The Revival of French Flower Making
I’m a milliner and costumier by trade, and as such I’ve built up an enviable collection of trims and fabrics – supposedly to use on my...